Seven Griddle Media is a video production company in the Pacific Northwest
that creates memorable brand, product, and customer films.


Scott has dedicated his career to the art and craft of storytelling. Along the way, he's published articles in a handful of magazines, interviewed who knows how many people, and directed enough stories to make him proud to call this his profession.
With close to 20 years of experience developing marketing and video content, Scott knows how to work closely with companies and organizations to identify and tell the stories they need most. Following more than a decade of content development and management roles such as Creative Producer for Honeywell, Video Manager for BitTitan, and Creative Production Manager for Precor, Scott decided to pursue his own video production company fulltime in 2018.
Since then, Seven Griddle Media has helped public, private, and nonprofit sector companies and organizations across a variety of industries tell their stories. Often characterized by lean crews and large goals, Scott's approach is collaborative, considerate, and respectful.
Scott received his Master of Communication in Digital Media from the University of Washington. He received his Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Kansas.
Scott loves coffee, cloudy weather, and writing about himself in the third person.